Product Description : A Biological Product that targets and destroy harmful nematodes in the soil like mylogyne SPP and Ditylenchus SPP in the Rhizopere of the root system of the plant. Thus, Promoting a healthy plant.

Cautions and Precautions : Crop, Vegetable, Leafy Vegetables, Fruit and herbs can be harvested or use at any stage after treatment. No withholding period. In case of eye burn, splash eyes with water.

Application Recommendation : This Product should be applied late in the afternoon or at night. Avoid Spraying during the heat of the day. Mixed Product should be applied as soon as possible after mixing to ensure efficiency in the field.


Soil Application : Minimum 500ml. for Prevention, Minimum 1 Ltr. for Problem Solving.

Packing Available

100 ml | 250 ml | 500 ml | 1 Ltr.